In this post, I talk about a course I just finished teaching at École Polytechnique on scientific machine learning.
Continue ReadingIn this post, I talk about an extension of the linear sampling method for solving the sound-soft inverse acoustic scattering problem with data generated by randomly distributed small scatterers.
Continue ReadingIn this post, I talk about a new method for computing strongly singular and near-singular integrals that arise when solving the 3D Helmholtz equation with curved boundary elements.
Continue ReadingIn this post, I talk about coupling the finite and boundary element methods for solving wave propagation problems in an inhomogeneous medium.
Continue ReadingIn this post, I talk about image and video matting—the process of extracting specific objects from an image to place them in a scene of a movie or compose them onto another background.
Continue ReadingIn this post, I talk about an extension of the linear sampling method for solving the sound-soft inverse acoustic scattering problem with randomly distributed point sources.
Continue ReadingIn this post, I talk about a new method for computing weakly singular and near-singular integrals that arise when solving the 3D Helmholtz equation with curved boundary elements.
Continue ReadingFinal episode of my series on quantum computing—in this post, I talk about quantum computing for supervised learning.
Continue ReadingEpisode 3 of my series on quantum computing—in this post, I talk about quantum computing for solving nonlinear ordinary differential equations.
Continue ReadingEpisode 2 of my series on quantum computing—in this post, I talk about the Schrödinger equation and quantum logic gates, which are the building blocks of quantum circuits and quantum computers.
Continue ReadingIn my first research project as an undergraduate student in the summer of 2010, I worked on groups and symmetries in classical and quantum physics. One day in the library I came across Noether's theorem, which links symmetries (e.g., time invariance) to conserved quantities (e.g., energy)—this was a decisive moment in my life.
Continue ReadingDepuis mon retour en France, un sujet de conversation récurrent est bien évidemment la pandémie de la Covid-19. Et là, grosse surprise : beaucoup de gens autour de moi pensent toujours que l'hydroxychloroquine est, ou pourrait être, un médicament efficace contre la Covid-19. Ce qui est surprenant, c'est qu'aux États-Unis, la folie derrière l'hydroxychloroquine est terminée ! Mais pas en France.
Continue ReadingOne of the papers I wrote during my Ph.D. at Oxford was just accepted in Mathematics and Computers in Simulation. In this post, I review the main ideas of the paper.
Continue ReadingI've been paying careful attention to the various government policies implemented in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Having many friends and colleagues in the U.K., I am particularly concerned with the British government's plan of action.
Continue ReadingIn my latest paper, my colleague and I prove a theorem about the approximation of multivariate functions by deep ReLU networks, for which the curse of dimensionality is lessened.
Continue ReadingIn a recent paper, my colleagues and I considered the deep ReLU network approximation of generalized bandlimited functions.
Continue ReadingA couple of weeks ago, I spent a few days at McGill University with Jean-Philippe Lessard. He introduced me to the world of computer-assisted proofs, which I briefly describe in this post.
Continue ReadingI have just submitted a paper about the modeling of embryogenesis with the Shvartsman group at Princeton University. Let me review the main ideas of our work.
Continue ReadingI have just submitted a paper about nonlocal PDEs on the sphere with my colleagues Mikael Slevinsky and Qiang Du. Here are the main ideas of our work.
Continue ReadingIn this post, I talk about a fascinating subject: the convergence of Fourier series and the Gibbs phenomenon.
Continue ReadingI started working on deep learning models when I began my research at Columbia University in September 2017. Coming from the approximation theory world, I wanted to learn about their approximation properties. A few months down the road I have proven a new theorem concerning the approximation of multivariate functions by deep ReLU networks.
Continue ReadingMy latest paper, with my former colleague Yuji Nakatsukasa, has just been accepted in SISC. In this post, I review the main ideas of our work.
Continue ReadingMy second paper as a Ph.D. student, in collaboration with my friend and former colleague at Oxford Nikola Gushterov, was about the choreographies of the \(n\)-body problem. These are very simple periodic solutions of the \(n\)-body problem, in which the bodies share a common orbit and are uniformly spread along it; see, e.g., these animations.
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